Sooner or later, conducting any sort of business requires legal contracts and forms - be they a business lease, a business plan, market survey, a personal financial statement, a confidentiality agreement or a partnership agreement. A quick search for these documents online yields several companies who would sell you the required documents, and many more. However, before actually paying for a template - why not check one free depository of such documents?
Xdrive is an online service providing not documents but online file space - much like a virtual drive that is connected to your PC through the Interent. This is a paid service, and it has its virtues - it offers immediate, easily online storage space - starting at 5Mb and expandable. Some people use it for backup, others - for easy accessibility that does not involve shlepping a laptop around. Other reasons why you may want to consider the service: it makes sharing stuff pretty easy, and it offers a sense of protection and privacy one rarely has on one's computer.
To promote the service, Xdrive offers free access to thousands of legal and business documents. You have to sign up for 15 days of free service. You can cancel within those two weeks, and still use the documents - Xdrive feels you may find their service useful and consider paying for it.