I have never visited or read a blog site. But then again, I have never been a member of a workclub.
I suspect that many of you reading this also don’t have much blogging experience and I can be quite assured that you have not been a member of a workclub, certainly not in the form that it is taking here at Gate 3.
The fact that I am writing (and you are reading) this blog gives me great confidence in the ability of people to adapt to new forms; new forms of communicating, new forms of socializing and new forms of work. Of course the new forms have to be relevant; they have to address real and unmet needs elegantly and compellingly. They have to be a significant improvement over what came before in order to get people to change behaviours, adopt new technologies, create new culture.
A workclub is a lot like a blog. They are both “enabling technologies” that open up a world of possibilities –their true value lies outside their constituent parts and elements, but lies with what people bring into them. While they are both simple and elegant in their form, their power is in the communication and community they afford.
Welcome to the Gate 3 WorkClub Blog. I intend for it to become a forum for realizing some of the ideas that are at the heart of Gate 3 WorkClub. As the ‘Club takes shape and the work community it holds comes to life, I will relay our experiences and thoughts here. (As soon as I figure out HOW to do it) I will share stories and pictures of what happens in these walls. And I welcome your own thoughts, ideas and experiences in reflection to create a dialog that goes well beyond the brick and mortar of the WorkClub in Emeryville, CA.
We live in a very exciting time of change. For me, WorkClub represents a world of possibility of what work can change into. As we know (check out some of the books listed on the site) it is already changing; it is with conciousness, creativity and good intention that we can ensure that it changes into something good, life enhancing and balanced.
So come back often and be a part of our community of ideas – no matter where you live.